to the Hub Network Members Zone. In this area of the website you will find recorded webinars and associated material that the Hub Network has produced.
If you've got something you’d like to contribute to the Network’s shared resources please get in touch via the contact link at the top of the website.
Active Travel Webinars
Sustrans and Forth Enviornment Link have produced a number of webinars on a range of topics.
Applying for funding
A webinar from Forth Environment Link on how to prepare and submit funding applications.
Applying for funding webinar slides
Dr Bike
A webinar from Forth Environment Link on holding bicycle maintenance sessions
Led Rides
A webinar and accompanying resources from Sustrans on running led rides.
Examples of led ride risk assessments can be found in the Other Resources section of the member zone.
Mug of Tea and a Spanner
A webinar from Forth Environment Link on running community bicycle maintenance sessions.
Mug of Tea cycle maintenance webinar slides
Running an ebike library
A webinar and accompanying resources from Forth Environment Link on running an ebike library
Running an ebike library webinar slides
Working with employers
Sustrans have produced a number of resources for supporting workplace active travel initiatives
Workplaces - Introduction to Active Travel
Introduction to active travel in the workplace webinar slides
Workplaces: Active Travel Awards
Active Travel Awards for Workplaces webinar slides
Working with employers
Cycle Friendly Employer Award & Funding
Cycle friendly employer award webinar slides
Workplaces - Active Travel Challenges
Active Travel Challenges for Workplaces webinar slides
Workplaces - Active travel training
Active travel training for employees webinar slides
Workplaces - setting up a pool bike scheme
How to set up a pool bike scheme webinar slides
Workplaces - Cycle to Work Scheme
How to join the cycle to work scheme webinar slides
Workplaces - Funding
Workplaces - funding webinar slides
Workplaces - Setting up Bicycle Mileage
How to set up bicycle mileage webinar slides
Working with schools
A webinar from Forth Environment Link on examples of outreach work with schools.
Working with schools webinar slides
The cascade training documents were created by Forth Environment Link to provide resources for other Active Travel Hubs and Hub-like organisations in Scotland providing behaviour change interventions for active travel. All documents include a section on lessons learned in addition to detailing resources and key stages in carrying out interventions.
This section also contains a variety of other resources as examples of what various Active Travel Hubs and similar organisations use during planning and administration of their projects.
Bikes for All
A cascade training document from Forth Environment Link on how they run their Bikes for All programmes.
Bikes for All - Forth Environment Link
Bike Maintenance
A cascade training document from Forth Environment Link on how they run Bike Maintenance interventions.
Bike Maintenance- Forth Environment Link
Community Active Travel Action Plans
A cascade training document from Forth Environment Link on how they create Community Active Travel Action Plans (otherwise known as CATAPs).
Community Active Travel Action Plans - Forth Environment Link
Ebike Library
A cascade training document from Forth Environment Link on how they run their Ebike Library.
Ebike Library - Forth Environment Link
Ebike Share Scheme
A cascade training document from Forth Environment Link on how they set up the Ebike Share Scheme in Forth Valley.
Ebike Share Scheme- Forth Environment Link
Led Rides and Walks
A cascade training document from Forth Environment Link on how they run guided rides and walks.
Led Rides and Walks- Forth Environment Link
Pop-Up Hubs
A cascade training document from Forth Environment Link on how they run Pop-Up Hubs.
Pop-Up Hubs- Forth Environment Link
Route Planning
A cascade training document from Forth Environment Link on how they do route planning.
Bike Maintenance- Forth Environment Link
Bike loan documents
Sustrans have produced a range of documents which they use when loaning out their bikes. These documents include:
Pre bike loan survey - Sustrans
Post bike loan survey - Sustrans
Cycle competency assessment form - Sustrans
Bike loan form - Sustrans
Risk assessments
In this section we're including a number of risk assessments for different types of activities.
Smoothie bike risk assessments
Hire of smoothie bike risk assessment - Forth Environment Link
Led walks risk assessments
The following documents are the ones that Sustrans and Forth Environment Link use when carrying out risk assessments for led walks.
Led walk risk assessment. Forth Environment Link
The following three documents from Sustrans need to be used together when carrying out a led walk risk assessment.
· A generic led walk risk assessment document detailing risks that apply to ALL led walks – Sustrans
· A specific risk assessment and plan document giving information and detailing risks relating to a specific led walk – Sustrans
· A method statement stating precisely the risk mitigations put in place will be carried out with particular reference to COVID-19 – Sustrans
Led rides risk assessments
The following documents are the ones that Sustrans and Forth Environment Link use when carrying out risk assessments for led rides. Related resources can also be found in the webinars section of the member zone.
Forth Environment Link
Led ride risk assessment - Forth Environment Link.
The following documents from Sustrans need to be used together when carrying out a led ride risk assessment.
A generic led ride risk assessment document detailing risks that apply to ALL led rides - Sustrans
A specific risk assessment and plan document giving information and detailing risks relating to a specific led ride – Sustrans
Dr Bike risk assessments
The following documents from Sustrans need to be used together when carrying out a risk assessment. Related resources can also be found in the webinars section of the member zone.
C-19 Dr Bike EXAMPLE Method Statement - Sustrans
C-19 Dr Bike EXAMPLE Risk Assessment - Sustrans
1-1 Cycle skills risk assessments
The following documents from Sustrans need to be used together when carrying out a risk assessment
C-19 Cycle Skills EXAMPLE Risk Assessment - Sustrans
C-19 Dr Cycle Skills EXAMPLE Method Statement - Sustrans
Activate Mentoring
Activate Mentoring
The Activate Mentoring Programme is an indepenent project led by Sustrans. More information is available below.
What is Activate Mentoring?
Activate Mentoring is a new Peer Mentor Programme. We know that community groups and organisations across the country are doing fantastic work to encourage their local communities to walk, wheel and cycle more. We want to provide a way for their learning and experience to be shared with people working in other communities. It doesn't matter if the people you work with are people who live in the same place, like to do the same things, or share a characteristic.
If you think you might be interested, but are not ready to apply just yet, you can express interest and be kept up to date with training opportunities by clicking here.
Is this mentoring scheme for you?
This programme is designed to bring together people working on projects of all different types and with all different communities. It could be something like running a small walking group, through to a whole range of activities - such as bike libraries, making public space more pleasant to walk though, litter picking, designing and installing pieces of art.
We know that the purpose of the activity may not always be to get people moving, for example a walking group might be set up to reduce social isolation, or a growing project might aim to raise awareness of climate change but in the process make a neglected green space a place people want to walk or cycle to. A project to help people with mental or physical health issues might start a regular cycle ride, or a group interested in local history might create a map of interesting historic places in their area.
The main thing is that the project includes an element of walking, wheeling, or cycling, or makes walking, wheeling or cycling easier and more attractive for the people you work with.
How does it work?
• People interested in becoming mentors apply to join the programme.
• Sustrans and the Scottish Mentoring Network will provide training, guidance and materials. This will also provide mentors with a continuing professional development certificate when they complete the course.
• People interested in becoming mentees apply to join the programme.
• Mentors and Mentees are matched - where possible we will try to ensure that the type of project, and the type of community they work with are similar.
• Mentors and Mentees both agree how they will work together for a set period of time.
• We will review the process at a time agreed with the mentors and mentees, and at the end of the mentor relationship.
• The mentors will provide advice and support to the mentee as they develop their activity.
Become a mentor
Mentors need to have two years experience in developing and/or running a successful activity. You will be asked what type of activity you are running and what type of community you work with as part of the application process.
We ask mentors to commit to:
• Attend and complete the training - Two online 90 minute sessions, with a self-directed online learning
module in between.
• Commit to provide a minimum of 2-4 hours a month to mentoring activity. This could be meetings, but could also be things like reviewing plans, funding applications, or promotional materials.
• As this is a pilot scheme your feedback is super important, and will help us develop and improve as time
goes on. So we ask you to commit to sharing your experience of participating in the programme with us
during and at the end of the mentor agreement.
Become a mentee
Mentees should be considering beginning an activity, or be looking for some additional support in delivering or expanding something they are already doing.
We ask mentees to commit to:
• Attend a 90 minute online session about what they can expect from the programme
• Commit to attending meetings as agreed with their mentor.
• As this is a pilot scheme your feedback is super important, and will help us develop and improve as
time goes on. So we ask you to commit to sharing your experience of participating in the programme with us during and at the end of the mentor agreement.
Other benefits
As a member of the programme we will invite you to attend regular events specifically for Mentors and Mentees to share their journeys and experiences. Sustrans can also provide additional training where a need is identified, as well as pay travel expenses for meetings.
We are also planning to set up an online space for mentors and mentees to informally share knowledge and interact with each other in between meetings. We are waiting on our IT systems making this available, so it won't be available immediately.
Why are we doing this?
In 2020 Sustrans asked the Scottish Community Development Centre to carry out some research for us. We wanted to know how people working in community groups and organisations felt about providing activities that encourage people to move around their areas more actively. We wanted to hear about what made it easy or difficult for them to start or run activities. And we wanted to know what we could do to support them.
One of the recommendations was to 'Offer mentoring support provided by more experienced community organisations to those less experienced...' So that is exactly what we want to do!
Mentor Profiles
Coming soon.
Mentor profiles will be added once training has been completed. Mentors will also be noted on the hub map.